Paypal closed case says i didnt provide tracking number but i did!

I’ve been going through a dispute case for a month now which finally came to an end when I called today when PayPal said on the phone I had won my case and I would be refunded since the item I bought from eBay was defective, but then I had a email saying I had the lost the case saying I hadn’t provided a online tracking number when I had!! I have proof the item had been delivered back to The seller with a photo showing it delivered as well as there name being given, because as of now PayPal have closed my case with the seller having the product as well as my £600 of what it cost so surely this can’t be right and I’m entitled to my refund as stated in the email if they have proof it was returned to the seller as I provided the tracking number back when I sent it back! This is the email, We received the claim(s) you opened on 24 May 2024. We've reviewed the transaction(s) and are refusing your claim(s). We see that you're eligible for a refund. However, to receive this refund, we need a valid online tracking number confirming the item(s) were delivered to the seller's address. For transactions equal to $750 USD (or the equivalent in the currency of the transaction) or more in value, you'll also need to provide an online proof of receipt in the form of a signature from the recipient What I want to know is if I can still get my money back once providing this evidence even though dpd didn’t get a signature but sent photo proof, or if I can have the item sent back?
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



As per buyer protection policy you need signature proof of delivery for items over $750.

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So if I can provide that then should I be refunded by them?
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



You can by all means appeal the claim and add the information paypal are requesting?

No guarantees it will work as it may be too late but no harm trying.

If not then try small claims court against the seller if they are in the UK as well OR you could try a chargeback if you funded your paypal payment via a credit card?

Advice is voluntary.
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