Paypal accusing me to deny my Buyer Protection?


Long story short, I opened a claim as a buyer that I never received a refund on an item that I bought. Paypal closed the claim saying that I purchased this item in intent to resell. Nowhere near anywhere did I mention that I was going to resell this item in the Paypal conversation and in the claim. I provided drop off receipts and almost every type of documentation that I returned the item. How can they just accuse me like this and are there any tips that can possibility help me through this?

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Hello @Anya7

Congrats on your first post in the PayPal Community! 

I understand your case was closed without a refund, and I'm sorry to hear that. Since it was closed for an odd reason, I recommend reaching out to Customer Support. There's a chance that the wrong email was sent, and it was actually closed for a different reason. You may also be able to request an appeal when speaking to Customer Support. You can find the different options to chat with Customer Support here: How do I contact PayPal's Customer Service?

I hope you receive a refund after appealing! 

- Meghan

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