Paypal Refunds

Greetings. I bought an item, ad said made and shipped from USA. 100% Money Back Guarentee. Got the item. Was nothing like the ad. Immediately filed a dispute with Paypal and contacted seller. Seller turned ot to be a scam. Paypal wont refund my money. Says the dispute is still under review but when I call the automated systwm said dispute was found in my favor. Still no refund. Does not Paypal cover/refund my money?
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Esteemed Advisor



Escalate the dispute to a claim, if it was an item significantly other than as described then you 'may' win. If you do then normally you have to return the item trackable to prove delivery and at your own expense before getting a refund. All you can do is await Paypals decision.

Lots of Social Media China websites 'ship' from many different countries but the return depot / address is nearly always in China.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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