Payment put on hold


My son sold Pokeman cards through Facebook marketplace for approximately 500$  The buyer sent the money to my pal pal as my son is special needs and I was not aware he was conversing with this man. (I have controls in place now)  A few days later the buyer opened a claim saying he did not receive them.  I provided proof that he did.  Then he changed the claim to "Not as described."  Keep in mind, my 19 year old is a generous soul and did this to help pay the bills as I was let go along with about 18000 others.  We had already transferred the money to my account to pay bills.  PayPal has my balance as negative and any money I have going into it is obviously not being received by me.  This happened 2/24.  I have added countless messages and details notating my negative account balance and now 35$ fees on my checking account due to this hold  and it says March 22, 2024 it will be decided.  The buyer is obviously some type of scammer.  Do I have any rights?  What is the usual decision in these cases.  Should I file at the local magistrate?  I appreciate any help.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Put as much proof as you can in the dispute part of the claim and then wait for paypals decision once the buyer has escalated the dispute to a claim.

If they find in the buyers favour then normally he has to return the item back to you first (trackable to prove delivery) before being refunded. So all you can do is wait it out and hope paypal finds in your favour instead.

You had better read up on paypals seller protection policy for the future so you can risk assess your sales.

Advice is voluntary.
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Thank you for replying.  Unfortunately, we used the money to pay the utilities and buy groceries, so I don't have the money to pay back.  I was let go with another 18000 employees and finally found a new job.  Of course, I didn't qualify for any EBT or Medicaid benefits, so we are very behind.   There is no proof that there was anything wrong with the cards.  I don't sell anything and either does my son but we really needed the money.  This was my first time and it was done on Facebook.  Paypal was just the payment method.  I do appreciate your response.  God Bless 

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



If the buyer wins then you would have up to 120 days to clear the negative balance in your paypal account and if you don't or can't then unfortunately the debt would be passed on to a debt collection agency to pursue.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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