Payment method was changed without my permission / change by me

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After Jan 22nd, 2024 my Starbucks charges changed from charging my credit card to my bank account.  I did not approve  / make a change.  No communcation from PayPal on triggering the change.  What caused this?

Online help via Resolution Center thinks I want a refund which is not what I requested, I requested the above.  I cannot change the request or create a new one for the two transactions as I was recommended in the Support email because PayPal keeps directing me to the closed case.  


I'm concerned that somehow a fraudulent User made this change.

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Hello @Temp20240128T and @kernowlass

Thanks for posting in the PayPal Community Forum! 

I'm sorry to hear that your payment method for your Starbucks purchases was changed from your credit card to your bank account. I understand you had filed a dispute, and it was denied. To request an appeal or see if a different type of dispute may fit your situation better, please get in touch with Customer Support using one of the options listed on our Help Center here or by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal page. 

It sounds like the purchases were most likely processed through an automatic payment. You can review what payment method is set up with your automatic payment methods by following the steps on our Help Center here. If you haven't noticed any unauthorized transactions, just that the payment method was different, there may not have been any unauthorized logins. I can think of a couple of scenarios that might have caused the payment method to be changed.

The first one is that a different payment method might have been selected when checking out at one point, either accidentally or intentionally. This could have changed the payment method for further purchases. The next possibility is that a recently denied payment associated with your credit card could have prevented that card from being used. The last idea that comes to mind is the possibility of our Security System denying the credit card from being used. Our Security System reviews all transactions, and if it finds a higher risk at that time, it could change the available payment methods. 

To find out more about what happened and determine if there are any other options, you'll want to reach out to Customer Support. However, don't forget to check out your automatic payments in the meantime. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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