Payment Declined but Authorization still attempted, showing as pending


Hey community, I tried to purchase through and used paypal to pay today. However, when I clicked "Place Order", gamestop took me to the "Payment declined, please try other payment methods or call customer service" page. My bank card was also charged, but game stop didn't give me the order or any number, but my money was deducted. I contacted them today and they said they didn't receive any of my orders, so what should I do with the money now? How should I return it? I also contacted Paypai customer service but they didn’t answer me.

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Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about your recently declined payment to GameStop and that you haven't received a response from PayPal Customer Support. If the transaction only shows pending on your PayPal account, then it will likely be automatically voided in 30 days. You can learn more about pending orders on our Help Center here. If you see a completed payment, I suggest filing an Item Not Received dispute

The dispute sometimes helps the merchant realize there was an issue on their end and that they actually did receive the payment, so they might send the item or issue a refund. If they don't respond at all, then PayPal can help with a refund if the case is escalated to a claim. Please visit this Help Center article to learn about the difference between a dispute and a claim. 

I hope this information helps you receive your items or a refund! 

- Meghan

If you found this or any other post helpful, please enrich the community by giving kudos or accepting it as a solution. While browsing, feel free to reply if you see a question you know the answer to. Our Community Users make the PayPal Community Forum! 

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Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about your recently declined payment to GameStop and that you haven't received a response from PayPal Customer Support. If the transaction only shows pending on your PayPal account, then it will likely be automatically voided in 30 days. You can learn more about pending orders on our Help Center here. If you see a completed payment, I suggest filing an Item Not Received dispute

The dispute sometimes helps the merchant realize there was an issue on their end and that they actually did receive the payment, so they might send the item or issue a refund. If they don't respond at all, then PayPal can help with a refund if the case is escalated to a claim. Please visit this Help Center article to learn about the difference between a dispute and a claim. 

I hope this information helps you receive your items or a refund! 

- Meghan

If you found this or any other post helpful, please enrich the community by giving kudos or accepting it as a solution. While browsing, feel free to reply if you see a question you know the answer to. Our Community Users make the PayPal Community Forum! 
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