PayPal won't let me withdraw my funds. I need help!


Last week I was able to withdraw the funds I had on PayPal. Now, I can't.


80 hours ago, when I tried to withdraw them, I was given an error. I spoke to an agent, and he told me "Rest assured that after 72 hours, you will be able to withdraw the funds.", more than one time. Well, I tried again now, two times, I was given the same error as before. I want my money! You're lying and freezing someone's funds with no reason at all.


I want this solved ASAP! PayPal is getting worse and worse, I'm tired of it.


The transaction IDs of the declined transactions of moments ago are the following: 2JK42138CN5651920; 2VY74376BD218093E

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PayPal restricted my account with no explanation after I contacted their support team. So, they just stole my money without telling me why. I never did anything wrong. I always cooperated and I will always be willing to do so. The money I had there was for me to eat. They're taking someone's food out of their mouths. I know they don't care. Financial Institutions are like this. Never trust them. I've had PayPal for years. They're getting worse and worse. This is a reminder for you to never keep your money on Banks, or any regulated financial institution. They can take away your funds whenever they feel like it. It isn't safe, and at the same time your money is losing value.


With this said. if someone could help it would be much appreciated. I tried calling them, everything. No one tries to help.

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