PayPal have stole my money, how is this legal!

PayPal have basically stole my money!! Check out there reviews on trust pilot 87% of over 25,000 reviews are 1 star! This company is a disgrace and something needs to be done
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As you haven't said 'how' they stole your funds then not sure how we are supposed to advise.

Of course trustpilot reviews are bad, folks don't bother going to a review site to leave good reviews on payment processors normally.

As for legality, check the user agreement or acceptable use policies for your country.

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Seriously !! You are actually defending over 20k bad reviews? If PayPal did what they are meant to and didn’t steal money from its customer and did what they are meant to do, and what they used to do, there would be no negative reviews about theft, absolutely disgusting customer service ( which I have experienced first hand) And multiple forums online trying to seek legal advice against PayPal !! They have my money and will not release it, firstly they told me 2-5 days and someone will be in touch, neither happened, they then sent a few generic messages that didn’t mean anything or help in anyway as not related to my case, they then popped up and said 90 days hold, now they are saying 180 days!! This is based on one order !! The customer has also contacted PayPal to say they are extremely happy with their order and will NOT be asking for any sort of refund!! Despite this PayPal (after a review apparently) have chose to hold onto my money for 180 days!! This is theft! This is morally wrong and this company are disgusting!!! Customer service is literally non existent!! When they do reply it’s generic garbage !! This business is corrupt and I truly do not know how they are still in business !! I have never and doubt I ever will again been treated with such contempt and neglect !! Just disgusting !! They have absolutely no reason to hold my money!!! None whatsoever but they will not give me any reason or explanation apart from “incase of chargebacks” as stated I have sold one thing and the customer even went out of their way to contact PayPal!!! Words cannot describe my anger 😡 and for you to try and defend them, you are just as morally corrupt as they are!! Shame on you.
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Esteemed Advisor



Compared to the 420 million folks using paypal accounts worldwide then yes. 

Bit like an Ebay seller having hundreds of negs but still allowed to trade as they have thousands of positive feedback.

Folks will only go and leave BAD reviews for a payment processor, doubt anyone who uses and has no issues with paypal will go and bother leaving a review.

So your 20K bad reviews pales into irrelavance.


Paypal doesn't steal money, they may confiscate it under their LEGAL user agreement and if its on hold for 180 days then it means you have been banned from using paypal and your paypal account permanently limited.

So paypal hold your funds for 180 days as that is the time frame within buyers can open paypal disputes.

Not stealing, not theft as its in their LEGAL user agreement agreed in every country they operate in.

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it theft or illegal.

There are lots of reasons for an account ban, not just disputes or chargebacks.



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