PayPal Transaction Issue: Victim Blames Me and Expects Refund

New Community Member

Hello, I have an issue regarding a refund request for a counterfeit business transaction. A private PayPal account handled the trade, and Raymond Echevarria was a victim of this scam. Sadly, $135 were sent to the con man and I do not know anything about this transaction. The only instruction given by the scammer in return was that I should get the money through PayPal and then send it to my Gcash Wallet account before forwarding it finally to Maya Wallet. As per Maya, I do have the receipts and his phone number from the fraudster. Challengingly, however, despite having no liquid cash at hand, Raymond Echevarria accuses me of being a conman. So what can be done as there is proof that I never again had cash in me but forwarded it as quickly to the swindler?

Mine legitimate recent transactions on PayPal were copywriting because i am just a freelancer… Fourteen months ago, Kevin Peria tricked Raymond Echevarria into a scam and this is my first experience of this kind. What steps might be taken to resolve this matter?


PayPal balance: ₱7,215.79

Shipping address:

Raymond Echevarria
United States

Transaction ID: ***********************


Notes from Raymond Echevarria (victim): Nami alt art leader, 135, for Kevin Feria

Contact Details (victim): raymond**************
Contact Details (victim also [me]): **********************


It’s true that the scammer has deactivated his Facebook account. The problem here is that the money was transferred to my personal PayPal account and no video call conversation between them took place for security reasons which I did not participate in. I must therefore not refund the money, as I am not the seller. We have a message thread on PayPal; please refer to the attachments. He had agreed 100% before this transaction as seen in the picture he sent and now that he has been scammed; he says he wants a refund.


Unfortunately, I no longer have the amount of funds paid by him because it was moved into the con artist’s Pay Maya account within an hour of me receiving them. This victim is now trying to make me one, too. Can you please help me with this since this is my first time encountering such cases on PayPal or online transactions?

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