Need help and explanation if anyone has any idea

Hello to everyone. Today I have opened my PayPal account. In few seconds I have received an email to confirm my email, from service (at) intl (dot) paypal (dot) com. I did that, assuming that email is 1/1 and not fraud. Once I did that my PayPal profile shows that I have indeed verified my email. After few hours, I have received email from same email address to activate my account by verifying my email. The look and feel of that second email was drastically different from the first email, it had PayPal log but it looked very messy. I reported that email. Both email started with "Dear..." Can someone tell me if the email mentioned above is scam or legit email used by PayPal system. Once again, the very moment that I created my PayPal account I received email from thensame email as mentioned above to verify my email. Im totally confused. Any help is appreciated. Best, Andrej  
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Not sure what ''removed'' is???

So did the email start with Dear (and your full name)? Or was is Dear (email address or something else)?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Lks like that moderator removed the email. It was [Removed]. Email started with Dear and then my full name.

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