My paypal account was permanently limited for no reason

My paypal account was permanently limited with the vague reason of suspicious activity. I can confirm all transactions were made by me, I provided all documents that were requested, I'm over the age of 18. And now my funds are stuck in there for 180 days. I asked a paypal assistant what the specific reason was, and they were unable to give me one. Please tell me how to access my funds faster or unlimit my account. Im very disappointed with the service
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


Everyone who posts on here about being limited always says that they had broken no rules. However Paypal do not ban you for 0 reason. What would be the point? They make far more money from you using your Paypal account than interest on any held money.

However they don't give you an exact reason, they just direct you to the user agreement or acceptable use policy. I guess having a reason wouldn't make any difference if they have permanently banned you.


You can rarely appeal a permanent ban but if you want to try an appeal then contact customer services.

They 'may' pass it to the back office but the chances of the appeal being successful are slim. Paypal state that the decision is not made lightly and once made is usually final.


Lastly funds are held for 180 days as buyers can open disputes up to that time frame, after that you normally get an email to say you can withdraw the funds as long as the account is registered in your legal name, you live in the same country as your paypal account is registered and paypal have not confiscated the funds due to a violation of their acceptable use policy.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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