Limited with my Account


Why Paypal reject all the documents?
I send all the documents with my name and clear address, bank documents, tax documents even the car registration 
I don't want to use PayPal again, just give me my hold money and I will close the account
i have around $1000 and paypal hold it and i cant refund to clients or do anything , and all the documents rejected

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I am having the same issue as of now, i just removed my partners debit because he got traumatized that my PayPal account was hacked before. That's why i always remove my partners account after using it. Now they limit my account, can't received payments, i can't withdraw they hold my account. Followed all the rules they emailed me so i can upload any of my govt id. Linked a new card hoping that my account can be fixed. But they just kept on telling me to wait 24-72 hours and it's been over a week and now they aren't replying anymore. Before Paypal isn't like this. Agents before assists you with your problem for only a day. Now they just pass you on to the next agent and they just tell you to wait and wait. 🤦‍♀️
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