
New Community Member
Can someone please help me. I got scammed on Depop trying to buy a camera for about $240. The seller deleted the item listing after I bought the item, never sent me a tracking number, never responded on PayPal, and never responded on Depop after I asked if my item was shipped. I purchased it a little over a week ago and just escalated it today on PayPal, and PayPal already closed the case in favor of the person who scammed me. I am genuinely confused. I do not know what else I need to do to prove my point as I have screenshots and evidence. Can someone please help me??
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Esteemed Advisor



How did you send the money ie which paypal option did you select?

How did you fund the paypal payment?

Which dispute type did you open? Was it non receipt of item or something else?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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