Is this a scam?

Does PayPal hold transactions as pending until the shipping proof is provided? I received an email from PayPal service stating that this transaction will appear on your statement as PENDING until the shipping proof is provided. I want to make sure it is legit and not a scam before I sell my MacBook.
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Hello @Kieraw95

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear about the concerning email you received. Please do not click on any links within the email, and log into your PayPal account by going to You likely received a hold if the transaction shows within your PayPal account. You can learn why holds are placed and how to lift them in our Help Center. If you're new to PayPal, please also visit this article, which is specifically for new sellers. However, if you do not see the payment in your account, you have most likely received a phishing email. Please visit this Help Center article to learn more about phishing emails; I also suggest visiting this one to learn more about common scams we're currently seeing. 

I hope this information helps you determine what happened; please stay safe! 

- Meghan

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