Is PayPal noted turning its members as idiot


How to close a dispute? Which is dragged by PayPal from 3 months !! Looks buyers protection a face off

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That needs to be read carefully.  If you initiated the dispute and cancel it, It would be as though you admitted the original charge was accurate.


If you just want it to end, then you will have to stick with it to the end.  Only PayPal can close a dispute by coming to a resolution or by the person who initiated the dispute choosing to cancel it.  Please note, if you are being asked for information and do not submit it, PayPal will most likely rule in the other persons favor.  They will only wait short period for requested information.  Once that period has passed, the claim will most likely be viewed in default and a ruling will be reached.  (probably not in your favor if you are the one that was being asked for more information.)


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