If the drone has range and GPS problems, can I open a dispute and get my money back ?

My geprc long range drone which should have several kilometers of range has lost connection with vr googles when turning while being several meters next to me. Because of this it crashed. The antenna fell off after the crash. Can I get a refund? PayPal stated that the drone was repaired by me, changed by which they did not grant me a refund and I am now appealing. I didn't repair the drone and only applied some hot glue after the accident to keep the antenna stable. This glue has no effect on the drone and can be removed in seconds.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Nothing anyone on here can advise if you are already appealing a denied dispute with customer services, only they can decide on the appeal.

However if you lose again then if you funded your paypal payment via a credit card you could talk to your card issuer and see if they will chargeback for you?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

When dealing with drones, one needs to be VERY careful as some cities, towns and villages have installed jammers to prohibit their use.  This means that your drone will only get a very short distance from you and it will be jammed.  Nefarious people use them as a modern day "peeping tom", so in some places rather nasty forms of drone control are implemented.  Before using a drone ANYWHERE populated, you should first check with local authorities about any drone restrictions in the vicinity. 


Airports, military posts, federal posts also are all users of jammers.  If you happened to be in one of these areas, then the local authorities would view you as being in contravention of the law.  You would then be 100% responsible for the drone as it is not their fault the drone got jammed and crashed. 


Even a cheapy drone will  work up to several 100 yards.  From what you describe, it sounds like your drone was jammed and crashed.  Individual people can also install short range jammers in their residence to protect from unwanted eyes.  There are also people that choose to be complete jaskasses and look for people running drones and jam them on purpose just to destroy their drones.


Either way, the fact you were delivered a working drone that crashed while you were using it, the chance of a refund is slim to none. 


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There is little chance that these are signal jammers. They are illegal in Poland. Penalty for using a jammer that endangers life or health: 1 to 10 years Intentionally causing a plane crash: 2 to 12 years. Destruction of a drone: up to 5 years. I was flying in a meadow where there were no buildings or antennas. I have flown other drones here before and there were no problems. The drone did not suffer damage during the fall. Only the cable from the antenna broke. Earlier this one I had range problems with this drone. I reported the chargeback to Visa as well. On the PayPal homepage I got this information recently: "Add information from tracking system for chargeback shipment " and when I click on this message it takes me to the dispute on PayPal. What is the issue here?
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