How to protect myself from further hacking risk following “permanent account limitation”

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I decided to make a PayPal account in Walmart after forgetting my cards. Turns out, too long and complicated and I didn’t feel safe putting my card number on there, so none of my information was included. Well wouldn’t you know it, my account got hacked by “Bayleaf Indian Cuisine.” thankfully I hadn’t put my card information and I immediately disputed the transactions; queue an entire two months of going round and round with them to close the account which they won’t do because the charges are under dispute. They tell me I can close it once the disputes are over. The disputes finally end—can’t close it because then the customers of this Bayleaf Indian Cuisine started disputing charges. This morning I get a phone call telling me I have to pay 65 dollars because the balance is now negative. I told them a thousand times these charges are not mine and this is not my debt to pay as I have been making these calls to PayPal customer service for almost two months. Begrudgingly, I confirm that once the payment goes through I can finally close the account. Turns out, I can’t! Spent 30 minutes on the phone this morning confirming that the “permanent limitation” they set into my account YESTERDAY will not allow me or anyone else to make charges on the account. So let me get this straight, you won’t set a permanent limitation when the owner of the account tells you they’ve been hacked, you let a fraudulent account continue to make transactions while telling me there was nothing to be done, and the second the account goes negative, it is my responsibility? They said nothing should ever happen on the account again because of this permanent limitation. I don’t trust them at all. So if charges continue, what should I do? Sue? They clearly didn’t listen to me the first 4 times I called and said “these charges are not mine” because I was forced to pay someone else’s debt this morning. In conclusion, to the PayPal CEO, you have the worst business model I have ever seen. You deserve to be bankrupt. “We protect our customers” no you don’t. I hope your business burns.
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This sounds confusing.  But if it is what I think it sounds like, It sounds like Bayleaf Indian Cuisine may be using your information as a contact.   On the original round of transactions from Bayleaf, what was the outcome?  Did you win the challenge?  Please note that if someone perpetually disputes charges (and loses) to their account, PayPal has a dispute charge that they tack on to all subsequent disputes.  If the dispute gets ruled in your favour, the charge is reversed. If the dispute does not go in your favour, you have to pay that charge over and above the original amount in dispute.


When this whole thing started, what steps did you take to stop it?  Did you enable 2fa? Change your email password, change your PayPal password?


Bayleaf Indian Cuisine is a restaurant in MN.  I would not say it was them that "hacked" your account.  Whoever did hack your account used it there. 


I would go to PayPal, click help, then contact us, and choose the form of contact and find out exactly what went on and why there were more charges on your account. 


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