How to contact a human, not AI?


You might just want to skip to "Question" below, BUT you might be wasting your time with generic respone.


Point of this probable waste of time, is to reach a human.

This is the THIRD %$#&* I have had to restart this because PP want to leave stalkers on my device. They won't let me finish SUBMIT unless I disrobe my device and drop any right to privacy I thought I might have - of all places, Pay Pal - a stalker now. 😠


I ordered 3 of one product.

It never showed up.

To convolute a already one-size-fit's-all 'resolution' form, the form assumes one was given a delivery date. NO delivery date was provided, but for demands one. WTH?

The form, IMO, also requires other other information that seller never gave, that is intended to frustrate people.


I went around with the PP AI form wanting the same answer to the same 3 items instead of the whole order. I'm just glad I didn't order 300 of any thing. Can you imagine, having to reenter the same thing 300 times!


A caution to ever one. Risk buying only one thing, or as many as you can afford to lose.

One sale of 3 identical items cannot be processed by the AI in the get-frustrated-and-give-up form.

I need to reach out to a human being and cut through the definition of insanity - (Doing the same thing over and over at Pay Pal and expecting a different result).


How might I sneak past the AI in the Resolution Centre and contact a human


After trying to submit this, AI forces one to choose a "label" also known every where else on the Internet as "tag". Ignore the tag, because PP won't use common tags (erk label)

Try this again  with a randomly chosen tag erk label. 


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If you click on non receipt of item and open a dispute then the dispute is for ALL the items in that order / transaction I.S.

I opened a dispute recently for 6 items that I ordered together > escalated to a claim for non receipt of the order and got a refund. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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