How do I recover an old account?


Hello, so I believe someone made an account with my email and the phone number isn't mine, also do not know how to answer the security questions obviously... How can I recover it? 
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When I email them, they respond to my paypal... Which I do not have access...

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Hello @RitaSinner,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I am sorry for what has happened. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It seems like an account may have been set up in error, possibly due to a typing error in the email which is not uncommon. Here's the Help Center Article to know more information. Please send us an email again with a brief description of your issue and the fact that you'd like to remove your email address from an unknown PayPal account. Please send the email from the email address that you want to remove. Also, please provide your mobile phone number and country of residence here, in case our concern team need to call you directly. If you do not have an access to that email address then, you may have to contact PayPal Customer Support Team directly through the available contact options on our website so that they can research and help you accordingly.


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