How do I notify PayPal about a "Friends and Family" scam?

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I was scammed out of $2,750 by a PayPal user through an "overpayment" scam.  I arranged to sell a guitar for $1200 privately via email.  Did not know the buyer.  I know, stupid.  He sent me a supposed "cashier's check" for $3950.  I deposited the check at my bank, and it bounced about a week later, after I had shipped the guitar and refunded the overpayment via PayPal to one of his "friend's" PayPal accounts.  The check was fake.  Now I am out my guitar and $2750.  Since I sent the refund by a "friends and family" transaction I know have no protection.  My question is this:  wouldn't PayPal want to know about the account to which I sent the money, try to identify who owned it, and shut it down, or do they want this guy to continue committing fraud?  I can't find any way to notify PayPal about this.  I'm not trying to get my money back.  I'm trying to stop the guy from committing more fraud.

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Click on 'legal' bottom of this page and then the acceptable use policy.

Then scroll right to the bottom and there is a link on the work 'report' and then follow the on screen instructions. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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