How do I get a refund from an invoice?


It lets me view the invoice when I try to open a claim in the resolution center, but on selecting the transaction (which I also reported as I was advised), paypal just sends me 

Please try again
It looks like something went wrong at our end.

I am within the 180 day window.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi @sansbones 


Thank you for visiting the PayPal Community Forum. I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues while opening a claim. I'd first recommend reviewing the troubleshooting steps on your end by changing your browser or clearing your cache and cookies. It would be great if you used a laptop or a desktop to perform this action after 24–48 hours.  


If the issue persists, I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams for assistance. You can reach Customer Support by clicking Contact at the bottom of the PayPal website. They're also available through Twitter direct message or Facebook instant message. 


Good luck! 


- Mujahid 

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Cache/cookies does not work as the issue does not involve cache or cookies. I am also exclusively using paypal itself from PC, and while I do have a phone version, I have tried all steps from PC initially. I will try customer support.

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Posting again to bump the thread, since this has been pushed down a bit and I haven't been able to get in touch with support on their facebook.

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I still need help.

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Hello @sansbones

Welcome back to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear you're still unable to file a dispute. If you're unable to file the dispute following the steps on our Help Center here, you would need to continue working with Customer Support. We have a few different options you can contact Customer Support, and they can be found here

I hope you can file the case and receive a refund soon! 

- Meghan

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