Hacked account. Someone made a payment and paypal wont' block it and give my money back

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I'm just back from a club. I've seen a notification about a payment on a german website. Someone hacked my account and made a payment...
I opened a ticket with paypal but after some minutes i've received a mail telling me that for paypal it's all ok.


I've removed all my credit cards from the paypal account and removed all automatic payments too. 

What can I do to get my money back? i've to go to the police? 

As i address this issue i'll never use paypal again.

What can I do to get my money back?

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Run a virus and malware scan on your computer. PayPal is only able to approve an unauthorized dispute when it is clear someone else logged into your PayPal account.


If someone accessed your device using a virus or malware, then the logins would look like you made them. If you can run a virus and malware scan, it would resecure your device.


Save a report of the scan and provide it to PayPal's Customer Support. They may be able to reopen your unauthorized dispute with that information. You can find the different options for contacting Customer Support here

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