European laws limits


Hello, I have received an email from Paypal on Dec 31st stating:

"Someone tried to send you money using PayPal, but the amount exceeded limits set by European law. To lift the limit, the law requires you to verify your identity."

Wondering if it was phishing, I went to my PayPal through another Brave browser window and didn't click anything in the email, and when I got to my PayPal account there was indeed a notification saying I had to update my personal info regarding the email I received. I have done so, but up until today I still haven't received any updates on whether or not my account is still limited or what is happening with to the money this person was trying to send to me. If there could be some more information regarding this, because it does mess with my head for a little bit at this point.

Kind regards.

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Your best bet is to contact customer services who can view your paypal account and see if their are any unresolved issues?

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