Error "" when trying to reply to bussines on refound page


Im trying to respond to a company that lost my package and it show as delivered. at the moment of trying to attach a screenshot of the email they send me for the recipt the website goes loading and then shows i need to send this evidence to get my refound in order.

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Did you get this resolved?


I no have the same error when trying to reply to a dispute.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


Many thanks. 

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Same here, but my package does not show delivered, it shows stuck in a different state for over a month now.

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Hello @cseib


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you've run into some issues with a recent transaction. If your shipping is showing your package is stuck somewhere, I'd recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams to see what options are available. They can be reached by clicking "Contact" at the bottom of any PayPal page, through Twitter DM, or Facebook PM. 


Best wishes!


 - Jon K

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Jon did you even read the OP?

I have this same error ( both on the paypal android app and my desktop pc. It has nothing to do with me, it is an issue at Paypal's end. 
I can't view pervious messages in my dispute and I have no idea if the seller can see my messages. 

Get this sorted Paypal.

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New Community Member
Why is this error problem not solved yet by the PayPal team. I'm unable to answer my dispute either. Not at the mobile app neither at the site.
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New Community Member

I have the same issue as well. Seems like this is being ignored, since the thread was created more than a year ago.

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Hello @Al_Su,

Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!

I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced trouble with a transaction. I recognize the importance of getting this taken care of. For this situation, I would recommend reaching out to our customer support to report this issue so that our advisors can look into your account and help you accordingly with what next action that needs to be take. If there's a dispute involved and if you need help attaching screenshots to the case, you can contact the team by clicking the "Contact us" option at the bottom of PayPal page. Support is also available through Facebook by sending PM, Twitter and Instagram on DM.


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