

Please help with my PayPal dispute that has been denied repeatedly. I have been given multiple reasons for my dispute being denied. The dispute is regarding an item purchased from a seller in Paris. The item was not as expected and did not appear to be authentic. I contacted the seller about this and told them I was returning the item the same day I received it. The seller never accepted the item from customs that only held it for 15 days, I received the item back. I contacted the seller again about this being returned to me. I paid again to return through customs a second time. The seller was very insulting and very rude to me when PP wanted me to work it out with the seller. My dispute has been going on since July or August, repeatedly denied. PP representatives have had me file using varied reasons, no one there that answer phones to help with disputes does not seem to know how to help. My last dispute for the same item was denied Nov 13, 2023, I was never notified of the denial, I only went to check in my PP today 11/19/2023 only to find it had been denied again regarding my $12,012 dispute. I am wondering if PP is trying to do this, so the time runs out. I have been told by reps that part of the problem is due to me having a business account. I have found they have changed the Terms of Service to not cover items that were purchased for resale. They for some reason are saying I purchased for resale. I purchased this as a collector since 1985 that all items will go to my son when I pass away, I do sell a piece of my collection occasionally to make space for upgrades to my collection. My collection is for investment purposes. How does PAYPAL get away with promoting Money Back Guarantee when it does not.

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If you opened a dispute for item received but not as described then the item has to be 'significantly' other than as described. Paypal do not get involved in 'quality' issues. That is unless the item is fake and you have provided written proof from a company that makes or sells the item to confirm its fake. If you bought an item and received an item was just 'not as expected' then you probably were not covered.


Having said that you talk about a dispute, but did you escalate to a claim? If so then presumably paypal did not find in your favour. Did you send the item back trackable to prove delivery back to the seller, if so then you could try a claim via your credit card issuer if you funded your paypal purchase that way.


Paypal does not give you a 'money back guarantee' as  both sellers AND buyers are Paypals customers. So they give 'some' buyer and 'some' seller protection and the rest is up to all of us to risk assess our purchases and merchants.


If you purchased in your own country then you would have the option of a small claims court (or similar?) but if you purchase a pricey item internationally then its pretty risky as even credit cards have terms and conditions and don't give you 100% protection.

Advice is voluntary.
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Thank you for your reply. This seller has the antique item and my $12012.00 USD I do have copies of both of my customs forms from when the item was returned to this seller. My bank will not help as they only help with purchases within 3 months, I used my checking account, an error on my part, I think. I have reopened my dispute about 5-6 times due to this seller having a history of scamming people I have recently found out from a friend in Paris where this seller resides. The item I received was a put together item, not an authentic antique. I just cannot accept losing $12012 USD as a senior citizen. So upset that I wake up each morning with this on my mind. I am considering dropping out of PP use. PP at one time wanted me to have the item examined by a professional. I could not do that because I no longer have the item I am disputing. I have requested the seller to return the item to me, but she does not do so, nor will she refund me.

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Esteemed Advisor



That's a shame but personally no way would I buy a pricy item from another country for the reasons I gave above.

If you did then fund it via a back up credit card as they may help you.

Sadly you may have to put this one down to an unfortunately experience.  😥

Advice is voluntary.
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