Did not receive a payment from a person


Hi guys, So i recently sold a gift card to a person on facebook and they sent me money through paypal using my paypal email and sent a pic showing they sent the money to my paypal email as proof and used a debit card , so i believed it but i didn't see the amount in my account yet but the seller wanted the gift card asap and called me a scammer. So i provided the code asap and everything. But its been hours and i still haven't received any payment to my paypal balance. Now the person ignores my messages on facebook, and i have been freaking out. Please help!

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



I think you are the one that may have been scammed.

Paypal payments transfer in minutes, even if on hold or pending they show in your paypal balance/account.

If you didn't get a paypal email to say you received funds and nothing showing then you have not been paid anything. 


But check first that.........


they sent to the correct email address without any spelling errors.

you email address has been confirmed.

they sent the funds in a currency you have added as a receiving currency on your paypal account.


If all correct then you may have been scammed, you should never send anything until you see the funds in your paypal account balance / activity. 

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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