Continuing Fraude from this bank account number: [Removed]

New Community Member

[Removed] This account is permanently stealing from my PayPal account, nobody acts, it is still going on. It’s a shame!

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Not sure how a bank account can steal from your paypal account???


Is it linked to your paypal account? if so then remove it.

If your paypal account was hacked then change your password and run an anti-virus scan on your computer?

Advice is voluntary.
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Thank you for posting your question in the PayPal Help Community and welcome!


I understand your concern about the unauthorized charge in your PayPal account. As you have mentioned about bank account stealing money from your account, do you see any unknown bank account linked in your PayPal account? if so, as mentioned by @kernowlass please remove it from your PayPal account to avoid further transactions and report this activity in the resolution center. You can find the steps to report the unauthorized activity in this article : How do I report an unauthorized transaction or account activity? Also, please review your account for any other subscriptions.

Most cases of unauthorized account access happen when customers inadvertently provide bank account or credit card information. By visiting fake PayPal websites or responding to fake PayPal emails, you might unknowingly provide sensitive information. For your own protection, we recommend updating your password, security questions and adding 2-Step Verification gives you an extra layer of security when accessing your account. Also, please don’t use this password on other websites. 


Thanks for the help @kernowlass!

I hope this information helps, have a great day!



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