Attention to detail. Buyer waits excessive time to receive refund from fraudulent seller.

I am extremely more than disappointed, mortified. I purchase from eBay extremely frequently usually on average couple times a week. Being so, of course you're going to run into some dishonest or unethical sellers. I have always filed my disputes through eBay and had timely and positive results. And this particular instance the item was a gift and I want to fixed income budget means a lot so it's trying to create a sense of urgency and filed a dispute with PayPal as well. I was later informed by eBay that if PayPal was researching a dispute eBay would close theirs and there was no chance for appeal or to reopen. Had a stuck with a normal routine with eBay I would have had my money already on the 16th When I filed with PayPal I explain the situation in the sense of urgency they said they had to follow policy and I would know by the 24th. Now today I receive an email saying that they spoke to the seller and verified a tracking number so they will have a resolution by April 3rd? Is poor kid is going to get their birthday present a monthly if ever at all. The thing that's frustrating the most is that I gave very detailed information when I filed there complaint. There is a tracking number for the item that was provided to me as well however by looking at the tracking number you can see it was created and there has not been any movement whatsoever. And PayPal proudly let me know they were doing their job and they had a tracking number as well. Too bad they didn't click on it like I did to see that it hasn't moved. I'm so frustrated I reached out for extra support and got punished by asking PayPal. This is very unfortunate I have had a couple friends in the past who have had issues with purchasing and had amazing results of PayPal refunds the very same day they filed a claim So why are they not supporting me as a customer? Why such an extensive time frame? Why didn't they do their due diligence and check the tracking number? Also I forgot to note that I've emailed the seller three times myself and never got a response. They have documentation of this. If they claim they sell it responded to them? It might not sound like a big deal, but everybody knows everyone struggling right now, and like I said I'm going to fixed income. This unethical Friday lane seller has my money and is provided me no merchandise communication or tracking number of merchandise that's on its way to me? Why does PayPal not care?
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Firstly you can't open disputes with both Ebay and Paypal as they are 2 entirely separate companies with 2 entirely separate buyer protection policies. If you open a second the first one closes.


Secondly the time scale is indicated when you open a dispute. You have up to 20 days to escalate a dispute to a claim and after that how long it takes is dependent on whether seller has provided tracking / its an international sale so they allow more time for an item to arrive.


If a friend of yours got their refund more quickly then it was probably because once the dispute was opened the seller chose to refund voluntarily to close the dispute/claim.


If the seller has provided tracking then paypal has to allow time for the item to arrive, the fact it has not moved 'yet' does not mean it is not going to reach you. What paypal are trying to avoid is you being refunded and then the item arriving and the seller has lost out.


You choose your seller and item but if things go wrong paypal will help you get your funds back again. However its not a guarantee and its not a 100% cover for everything policy.   

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thank you for your prompt response. Really the only relevancy of your statements that was helpful was actually literally what you said "first of all" So that was my mistake I suppose out of ignorance. I have used both companies for many years and this is the first time that I personally have filed dispute with PayPal.. That being said,, I'm not sure how much experience you personally have with buying selling and shipping. I have 40 years of retail management experience but only a few selling online. As a buyer I've seen this multiple times ,probably at least 20 within the past 2 years. I understand there can be clerical errors sometimes people may not catch the scan during the course of travel, but I can tell you 100% of the time when the item doesn't move in a week and you reach out to the seller and they don't respond to you they're not sending your merchandise. Maybe I didn't mention that in my post that I had reached out to the seller three different times with no response. I'm certainly not trying to get anything for free.. I was tagging on to another gentleman's concern and the mutual was concerned was why be overprotective of the seller and inconvenience the buyer? In these circumstances the seller has that money as well as the item for purchase. Again after 3 weeks if nothing's happened obviously there's something wrong. The seller should have done their due diligence and reached out to the buyer if there was in fact some type of clerical error. As I also mentioned in the previous post perhaps you yourself have an extensive expendable income? Many of us in America don't have that luxury right now. You might have enough money to buy a gift and buy four other ones if it doesn't show up in time. Some of us are waiting for that tiny little piece of our budget to be able to afford anything and the fact that we've paid forward out of trust and are sitting 3 weeks later with no product no refund couples with no respect courtesy or professionalism, ( on the part of seller) Call me what you want but it is violating and frustrating. And even in the event that for some reason we should go above and beyond to protect the seller and leave the buyer to be inconvenienced, if a refund was issued and then the merchandise was received, (which would also be proven with the tracking number) , then simply recharge the buyer.? I feel very redundant in reference to my previous post but from your response and appears you didn't take note or possibly because I responded twice and maybe you only read one. ? You reference to your "time scale" . When I opened my case with PayPal I had to provide documentation of the time scale., which of course I did also and speaking to the representative (that should be specialized in that area ) I gave the specific information of the dates and the time and the tracking number and the lack of response from the seller., considering all that they should have been able to escalate it ?The way the letter was written it appears that they were proud of the fact that they got a useless tracking number that I already had already previously provided them And lastly and most importantly as the initiator of this thread posted as well. PayPal did according to your" time scale " give a date for completion. And then randomly It ended up extended another week for? '' being busy". It would be interesting, and maybe you could supply the answer to this question.... PayPal offers installment plans as well as a credit card I believe. So when they don't get their payments on time, when they're not getting their money, are the standards the same? Would I be allowed three to four weeks for research when I didn't make my payment on time, if I provided to tracking number? I'm sure they wouldn't be any late fees penalties interest charges, because they would of course generously allowed a month for research? And lastly, as a previously mentioned I provided documentation of the dates and times that I had previously contacted the seller, with zero response, and then supposedly within 72 hours they immediately responded to pay pal? That's the person you're going to put your money on? You are going to allow someone (to sell under your letterhead) that is disorganized? Doesn't have follow through? And doesn't have decent enough customer service to respond to a customer that has a question about an item they've already paid for? I would not only be personally embarrassed but I don't think they would be very beneficial to building my customer base either. Clearly we missed come from different backgrounds because *being busy" and inconsistent fluctuating time scales we're never justifiable excuses for not taking care of the customer in any organization that I worked for or ran. Thank you for taking the time for your response too as I mentioned the first two sentences were extremely valuable information. If I only had it before. My lesson to learn then would be to join more communities to become more properly educated or as they say be more careful to read the "fine print" Diversity is the background of a strong community, I'm sure everyone learned something today.
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