Are home improvement services and materials (contractor/handyman) covered by Buyer Protection?

I want to send money to a contractor as Goods and Services, but will the transactions be covered by Buyer Protection? I read that items not purchased online are not covered. If the contractor's work includes materials to be used for the home improvement work (in person purchase), will this not be covered since it's not an online purchase? Also, if I want to cover the fees, do I just include 2.99% extra in the amount being sent? No currency conversions and not using any credit or debit cards.
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Buyer protection does not cover any items personally delivered or collected unfortunately.

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The payment is not just for materials. It's for home improvement services that happen to include materials that will be used for the work. Will PayPal not honor Buyer Protection just because the materials are a part of the services? If I pay with the Goods and Services option but the services are not completed or not satisfactory, will the payments be covered by Buyer Protection?
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