Another limitation with more than 1.000 euro inside

New Community Member
I don't know why my account was closed I already provided you with reasons on how I got that much money and I don't know why you guys still closed my account. I need That money very urgently that's why I even told my friend to send it if not I would have kept my money with him. If you don't tell me the exact reason and which rules I didn't follow in your so-called Richtlinien I am going to sue you because it's not the first second or third time you guys are doing this to me and I am not going to accept this no more am going to sue all of you. This is the message I sent to them since no reply. And I need that money very urgently I had to open more than one PayPal account because PayPal always seem to have a problem with my account although U have provided all my activities in which I see no doubt in how I got the money but they still closed most of my accounts without any warning . If am sincere I wouldn't be opening more accounts if it were not a good option for me to send and receive money from my loved ones and partners that are in other countries. I really need an answer or atleast let me withdraw my money because after this am going to start looking for other ways to send and receive money cause U am very very disappointed with PayPal. And the worst of all is I think most of this is because I am a black person and that am from Nigeria but live in Germany that's why they are targeting me bacuse they don't think my money is from a good place even after all the evidence I have produced.
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Esteemed Advisor



If you have had a permanent limitation on a paypal account then you are not allowed to open any more, if you do then those would be limited as well.

If you have had a permanent ban then that ban is on you and not just your paypal account as they are no longer offering you the services of their site.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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