Another e-mail suddenly gained access to my account, and now I can't login

I received an e-mail from PayPal that another e-mail has suddenly gained access to my account, and I immediately tried to report it since I never authorized that, but now I can't login to my account. What to do? I tried contacting PayPal Support everywhere; askpaypal email, Twitter support, but none are active. Tried calling as well though the Help Me page, but the working hours is Mon-Fri from 09.00-18.00SGT, and it's now Friday 20.00SGT. Even now I'm making a new account just to report this. I have used that account for years, and I can prove myself that I'm the owner of the account as I registered using that exact e-mail, and even have the archives of all my transactions there. I'm worried that the hacker has done authorized transactions as well using my balance there. Please help...
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Esteemed Advisor



I would remove your screenshot as it shows your email address on this worldwide public forum. 

Then contact customer services.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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