Account limitation



I got this message today from Paypal "After a review, we decided to permanently limit your account as we found potential risk associated with it.

As a result, we can no longer offer PayPal services to you". I'm not sure what I did to get to this point but my account has been limited, I have checked recent activity but didn't notice anything or remember that I did anything that is against user agreement. Is there any way to fix this as I use paypal for many things. 



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I received the exact same email and to my surprise it was a genuine email, how did you get on with your issue? I have tried to contact Paypal but it's not an easy feat.

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I try calling but no luck, I will try again tomorrow. So I decided to see if anyone on here knows anything for the time being. Seems like contacting paypal is a really long and hard process. 

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I just called them and the response was that normally a decision of this magnitude has to go through a review team before the decision is made, I am like WTF, I haven't been selling any guns, counterfeit items or committed any fraud so god knows what has been done. I went back through my account activity and all there is are payments to google, facebook, ebay sellers and family members so I am at a loss as to why I have been banned for life from using eBay??

Anyway, after calling them, she said she will escalate this to the escalation team but it would seem that my account is being investigated for fraudulent activity or such which makes no sense because I specifically use this account to make payments and not receive payments.

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Hey ! I have the same issue ,do you maybe have the phone number of the Customer Service ? I could not reach them on the one of FB 😞 Thank you very much
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I am based in Thailand so I have the Thai number for them but you are better off doing a google search for your local based office.

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New Community Member

Look what they sent to me 'You can't use PayPal anymore' in my email


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Yeah, I've spoken to actionfraud who advised me to contact the financial ombudsmen, once you've received that letter, if you can provide sufficient evidence that you are in no way connected to any fraudulent activity, sale of counterfeit items or guns then they will contact them on your behalf and the decision would probably be overturned. I will do this just out of principal as I have done nothing of the sort but I have to wait until I receive the email you have just received as depending on your country they do have up to 85 days I believe to deliver a decision.

It's not the end of the world, there are many alternatives to paypal and my thoughts are that since eBay have dropped them, they are of little use to me anyway but it's just the principal of the matter, they question my integrity and I have not defrauded anybody, have not sold counterfeit goods or guns, and the fact they refuse to give the reason for the decision is unbelievable.

I'll fight it through the ombudsmen, still waiting for all the account activity to be available so I can prove without questionable doubt that any money that has gone through the account is legitimate, ironically there's probably like three times maximum that I have received cash and mostly I use the account for products and services so.... go figure.

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Thanks for the info,


I'm in the US and its a pain to reach them, when I do reach them I will give an update to it. Now it's just the waiting game. 

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still no changes?

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