Account limitation challenge


Hi Community, I opened a new Paypal account but however, my account got limitation immediately at the conclusion of the account opening. Now i am unable to proceed with this account and i obviously don't recall where my errors was at the registration of the account. i need help!

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When you say you opened a new paypal account was that your first paypal account ever or have you had a paypal account that has been limited before? 

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yes, but it has billing address issues that i tried to resolve but no avail. i then decided to open a new account with the country i am currently at for my business purposes but then after the registration process i got the red notice that i got account limitations. what is the way forward to have the issue resolved pls ?


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Esteemed Advisor



Firstly you can't open a second paypal account of the same type, also to open a second one of another type any issues on the first would need to be resolved first.


Secondly you say you opened one in Nigeria for 'business' purposes, unfortunately the option to receive paypal payments is not available in Nigeria, its a 'send' only country funded via a visa credit card.

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Please what can I do to remove the limitation?
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Esteemed Advisor



If its temporary then paypal direct you to the resolution centre to resolve any issues or contact customer services.

Advice is voluntary.
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i am certainly lost with all of this. does it mean i cant receive payment from my social platform or what?

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Esteemed Advisor



My above post was directed at @Salvation19  question.


My advice to you remains the same as I have already posted, the option to RECEIVE paypal payments in Nigeria is not available.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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