180 day closure for receiving a payment from family!

PayPal dd makes me out of a family payment of £750. Send and confirmed from a family member. Closed my account permanently without any question the original sender my family is confirmed it was to be sent. And we have requested the payment to be sent back or withdrawn which PayPal have denied and said they are keeping it for 180 days. Both myself and sender have said there are to be no disputes as the payment was meant to be send and was done so using friends and family. I’ve sent enough documents and identification to get into a country and still refuse to either send the payment back or let me withdraw. Total thieves
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


If you have been told your Paypal account has been permanently limited then Paypal tends to hold any funds for 180 days. This is the same time frame that buyers have to open Paypal disputes.

If no disputes are opened in 180 days then normally you are allowed to withdraw the funds. That is as long as you are over 18, account is in your legal name and the account is registered in the country where you reside.

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The payments been sent by my family via friends and family. It’s all I’ve used the PayPal for. The sender has also contacted PayPal to verify our relationship. How can there be any dispute as it’s family payment not a sale! Just another excuse to keep people’s money. Dispute?? What between family that’s already contacted you to release our money. Bothe sender and recipient (me). This was for a family charity event. Should be disgusted !!!
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Then you would be allowed to access the funds once you were 18.

Hardly paypals fault you chose to illegally open a minor, legal financial account. 

Shouldn't be using Paypal at all underage, that is pretty poor practice to me, breaking rules then blaming the site you broke the rules on for not giving you the funds. 

Advice is voluntary.
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