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  1. i am required to send in an additional payment of £300 to expand your account limit which enables them release the money into your account,So can i trust that once i send the additional £300 you get to refund immediately.
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New Community Member

I am requesting to send $200 to upgrade my business account. Apparently this person send me $300 and needed to deposit extra $200 that I have to send back. I got emails confirming this information.

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Hello @Jennyd63 and @holavicky,


Welcome to PayPal Community Forum and thank you for posting!


I understand your concern about the email fake email notifications. I am sorry for what happened, and I know it is unacceptable. Please be informed that PayPal will never ask for any fees/amount to pay in order to lift the transactional limit on the account, release amount, to downgrade/upgrade the account or to take any actions on your account. It is just that to complete the process, you will need to contact our customer support team through the available contact options on our website. Support is also available through Facebook private messages or Twitter direct messages. Here's the help center article how to spot fake emails.


I hope this helps,


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