Setting up a merchant account for 5 sale items


I have an exiting web page from another payment processor.   It has 5 items for sale and each has a Buy Now Button that links the sale to their site and they process the sale and send me an email to contact the customer.


I was hoping I could edit the web page to accommodate PayPal.

I managed to get one PayPal Button in place for the first item and it appears to be working.

But when I copy the html code and change the information to sell the second item the html code and script does not show the Buy Now button.

Apparently the code generated on the PayPay API only allows it to work on a single item.

I tried the API for selling multiple items but it is a bit complicated.


Is there a simple way to create 5 buttons that I can simple replace into my existing html code.


Thanks for any assistance.



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