Can anyone tell me what this is all about? I don't understand this email below.


 Before you can receive this payment, you’ll need to confirm the email address that it was sent to. Log in to your secondary email account and look for the confirmation email from PayPal.

Note: If you do not claim your money by Oct. 8, 2010, this payment will be automatically cancelled and the money will be returned to

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Frequent Contributor
Frequent Contributor

Sounds like you attached a second e-mail account to your paypal account, then some one sent a payment to that e-mail account, before you confirmed the e-mail account.



Or your paypal paypal account was hacked and and the hacker added a second e-mail account.


If this is a legit second e-mail account , log into you e-mail account and click in the confirmation link in the e-mail.

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I wouldn't click on any link in an email.  Paypal warns you NOT to.  Instead log into your Paypal account.  If there was a payment sent to you to accept, it will be in your account.  If you don't see it, call paypal.  The "contact us" link is at the bottom of the paypal page after you log in.

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Check email headers and the link address to make sure the email is legit. Don't click on the link until you have done so.

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee

Hi everyone!


If you're ever unsure that an email is really from PayPal, I would recommend forwarding it to  You'll receive a reply letting you know whether or not the email is legitimate.



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