can we use virtual terminal on any device, we just need wifi?


we are small org looking to use virutal terminal at an event.


can we just login to our paypal virtual terminal account and process credit cards on site? 

if so the requirements are wifi and a device?

in addition, is there a credit card swiping device we can rent/purchase  as well? thanks


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Hello @mlasar


Welcome! Thank you for visiting PayPal's Community Forum and for thinking of PayPal for your business needs. I'd recommend looking into PayPal Zettle if you are looking to accept payments through a credit card terminal. Here are a few resources you may find useful: 


What is PayPal Zettle?
Getting started with the PayPal Zettle Terminal
What smartphones and tablets are compatible with PayPal Zettle?

Best wishes with your event!


 - Jon K

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