can’t pay my paypal credit

New Community Member
I was let off my job 4 months ago, i’ve been applying for jobs non stop and have had multiple unsuccessful interviews. i have around £200 debt on my paypal credit, and about £35 on a pay in 3 plan… I have had multiple letters through the post and texts etc about it. Paying it off will be my number 1 priority as i don’t have any other outgoings. It is making me extremely anxious and stressed i’m just so unsure on what to do… will debt collectors come to my door with £200 debt? or is that too little? i really don’t know and im struggling to find out any information. I’m considering trying to apply for breathing space but im worried in a months time i may be in the same situation.
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Esteemed Advisor



Reach out to customer services and see if you can sort out a payment plan?


Failing that your best bet is to seek debt advice from citizens advice bureau?


Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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