Want to edit form that appears on selecting Paypal button

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I have taken over a site and need to understand how to modify a form that pops up when someone goes to make a Paypal donation + membership payment.
On our website there is a button which says 'Pay My Membership'.

The code behind the button is https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=QDBN34KU7LZXY

I wan to identify how to find and then modify the form that appears when this button code executes.

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Hello @Ausforam 


Welcome and thanks for posting your question in the PayPal Help Community!


I see you're looking to update your PayPal Button. Here's an Help center article which helps you with the steps to update your information in your PayPal Button : How do I edit the information in my PayPal Payment Buttons?


If you face any issues while updating the information of your PayPal Button, please submit a ticket via MTS page to get in touch with the Merchant Technical Support team. 





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