Unable to use Paypal Cashback Mastercard with Paypal since Dec 2023


Hey guys, any tips or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated! I've had issues with this card starting in Dec of 2023 and have gone back and forth with both Paypal and Synchrony support with both pointing fingers at the other but I'm leaning towards this being a Paypal issue given that the physical card itself works fine at any place I take it to. It's only when I attempt to use it online or throug their bill pay feature which some Paypal reps don't even know about based off of previous calls. 


When I attempt to pay a bill, I enter my biller info, input the amount I wish to pay and then it asks me to link a debit or credit card. Mind you, when I first log in both my bank acount as well as PP Mastercard are listed so I'm unsure why it's even prompting me for this info. I go ahead and enter my PP Mastercard info though and it'll eithe error out stating that the CC number is wrong (it isn't) or that the card is not valid for this type of transaction. The card used to work for bill pay and like I said, it's usable if I physically use the card without issues. 


I had previously figured I'd just use it as a generic 2% CB card for everything but with the CB nerf and the fact I can't use the bill pay feature with it means I may just cancel this card. 

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