Received my rewards but now I can't find them

I've chosen to apply my PayPal rewards towards my next purchase, but after 3 purchases they still haven't applied. I've looked everywhere on the app but can't find "semi-claimed" rewards anywhere. Help?
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Hello @Oohahh

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community Forum! 

I'm sorry to hear your PayPal Rewards were not applied to your last purchases. If your PayPal Rewards no longer show when you first log into your PayPal App, they may have been applied to your last purchase. The PayPal Rewards tile should appear at the very top of the Home page; you may need to scroll the tiles that include your PayPal balance to the left to see it. You can also find your Rewards when you select the three lines at the top left to open the Menu. Rewards will show under the Shop and Save header. 

If your Rewards were applied to your most recent purchase, you should be able to see a record of it within your emailed receipt and your PayPal Activity. However, if they're still showing up, please reach out to Customer Support for assistance in determining why they're not being applied. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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