Please add Contra Costa Property Tax as a bill payer


As a suggested biller, please add Contra Costa County property tax portal:


I see there are other billers for other counties property tax especially in southern California and it would be great if the same were true for northern California or at least for Contra Costa.

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Are you asking to have PayPal added to that county as a form of payment?  If so, that would be the responsibility of that county to add it.  PayPal can't just go into some random page and tell them, you are going to accept PayPal.  The customer Contra Costa County would have to initiate the business agreement with PayPal, set up an account, then add the ability to accept PayPal to their website. 


If this is not what you were asking, please disregard this post.


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Contra Costa tax assessor accepts Paypal if you pay inside of the building but there is no option on the county's website. Paypal Billpay feature is missing the option to do Billpay for said county despite them having an agreement with Paypal. I contacted phone support and got a supervisor who looked through the list and saw that they weren't in the "Biller's list" (which is why I can't add them for Billpay) but were on a separate list so he supposedly put in a request to have it added to the Billpay. We'll see if it happens. 

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I assume this has not worked out? (I still cannot find them in the list).


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