Paypal business debit mastercard question

Hello, i recently ordered a PayPal business debit mastercard, and was wonderintng if i could use a digital version of it before it arrives. If so, how? There is no eye icon, only an activate button which asks me for the CVC. (I live in France by the way.) Thank you!
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Hello @aj3p  
Welcome to the PayPal Help Community and thanks for posting here!

I do understand your query about making purchases with digital version of PayPal Business Debit card. You can shop with the digital version of your card as soon as you're approved for the PayPal Business Debit Mastercard®. Businesses are provided immediate access to their assigned credit limit through a virtual card that is automatically integrated into the business’s PayPal account and is immediately available as a payment method when merchants check out with PayPal. For additional assistance or query please get in touch with our support team to know what can be done next or to get an understanding of the possible solution to the issue raised. You can follow the link to contact our support team or by clicking 'contact' at the bottom of the and reach us through call during business hours and if you're unable to login kindly select "Call us as Guest".

Hope this information helps,

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Hello, sorry for bothering, but where do i find this digital card? it only says activate and asks me for my CVC.


Edit: It doesn't show up in paypal checkout either.

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