Paypal Pay in 4 came up twice?


I'm sorry about the title but I honestly don't know what else to write.

Here's what happened.  I went to XFROG to get one of the plant libraries while they were still on sale.  I sign in and continue to checkout.  At this point it asks me if I want to pay with a Credit Card, PayPal, or Amazon Payments.

I select PayPal, check Pay in 4,  and fill out the details and it sends me back to the merchant.  Now, xFrog's site tells me to log in before I can continue.  I do so - again - and continue with PayPal once more. This time XFROG's receipt goes through, I see the statement in my email and PayPal account....  But I also see two Pay in 4 charges authorizing,  for $49.75 each. 

What can I do about that?  I can't cancel either of them, the Resolution Center says "Sorry we can't do anything about that kind of transaction",  and xFrog can't do anything about Pay in 4.

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Hello @KendallW

Welcome to the PayPal Community, and congratulations on your first post! 

I'm sorry to hear about the authorization caused by your application for Pay in 4. If you do not go through with the purchase, the authorization will be voided after 72 hours. However, some banks can take 7-10 days to reflect the funds back in your account. You can learn more about Pay in 4 authorizations on our Help Center here: Why is there a pending authorization shown in my PayPal activity for my Pay in 4 Transaction?

Best wishes! 

- Meghan

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Addendum:  It came up twice yes, but since only one of them actually ended up being used for the purchase I was making, the second duplicate will just sits there until it times out and fails. 

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Same thing ended up happened to me as well? What ended up happening with your order? Did the second pay in 4 disappear? I was charged twice to my debit card and I’m wondering how long it will take them to refund them my money but I can’t make a dispute with pay in 4 on pay pal
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@StephieS123  The charge showed up twice, but only one of the two actually showed up on my Pay in 4 plan.  The other one just timed out and failed since it never officially went through with the payment I was making on the store.

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Was money taken out of your account twice? How long did it take for the money to return to your bank account? Thanks!
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@StephieS123  It was only taken out from the one that was actually used to make the purchase. The inactive one never did anything.
My only guess here is that with yours the actual payment (the one you took up with whoever the store or merchant was)  actually went through twice and so Pay in 4's also going through twice,  in which case you'd need to contact the store and ask about that.


When I asked xFrog about the double-charge, they checked and said their records only showed one charge going through. Sure enough, PayPal's Activity tab shows the same thing:  One xFrog charge, and only one active Pay in 4 plan while the other's sitting there waiting for an authorization that never ends up happening.


From what I understand, the Pay in 4 plans only become active once the payment they're there for actually goes through - so the duplicate one with my example just expires on its own since the actual purchase I was making only went through once.

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Did you ever have your charges reversed? I have a set of pay in 4 charge for a payment that went through after the entire amount was taken from my account. The company I purchased from only shows one set of charges so I don’t know where the pay in 4 charges are being sent. If anyone has any insights it would be super appreciated.
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The same exact thing happened to me. Did you ever get refunded the money and how long did it take?
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Did you end up getting a resolution to this? I have just had two payments come out of my account and am having no luck getting help from PayPal. I have just lodged a dispute with my bank.
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dude same. except i got charged 6 TIMES. very frustrating. did you ever get it fixed?
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