Payment thwarted: I want to Pay a PayPal invoice with a credit card or debit card but not Paypal


 On an Invoice I created, I wanted to be able to set the payment method as Credit Card or Debit Card but the default is PayPal with no other options.

How do I chenge this?

The whole reason for sending an invoice is because the payer does not want to use PayPal but use their credit card instead.

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Hello @Thompa


Welcome to the PayPal Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear your customers have had an issue paying directly with their credit or debit card. Normally when you send an invoice, the option to pay with PayPal, Venmo, PayPal Credit, Pay Later, and Debit or Credit Card should all be available if the payer is in a country where those options are available. If they payer does not see one of those options, the issue is normally on the sender's end. I would recommend having your customer contact PayPal to inquire about what options are available in their locale. 


Have a great day!


 - Jon K

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I accept the payer should contact Paypal, but in reality, frustrated payers contact the seller/sender. It should be possible for the send to allow payment by a variety of means rather than it being 'automated'.

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