PayPal took the full amount on the first payment even though it was over 4 months

New Community Member
I bought a laptop for around £1500 but coming up to Christmas I thought I would spread it out just in case, I used the 4 month 0% option which went through fine, I even check last week to check the payment date and amount. It was only supposed to be a minimum payment for this month. I woke up overdrawn in my bank and I didn’t know why, then I later found out that PayPal took the full amount on the first payment date. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Luckily I had some savings to cover it but it wasn’t ideal especially a week before Christmas.
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Hello @Dshawofelsecar

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

It sounds like you made your purchase using PayPal Credit and took advantage of the four-month no-interest promotion. I'm sorry to hear that your first payment was not the correct amount. I recommend reaching out to PayPal Credit through the contact information on this Help Center article to find out what happened. 

If you had selected a different option for your payment method, such as Pay in 3, then the option might have been declined initially, which resulted in the full amount being debited. You can learn more here, but you can also reach out to Customer Support by selecting 'Contact' at the bottom of any PayPal webpage. 

I hope this helps you find out what happened! 

- Meghan

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