PayPal pay later charged full amount

New Community Member
I used the PayPal pay later option to buy a ticket to a football game, I was supposed to pay around 30 every 2 weeks but was charged the full 128. Is this supposed to happen or am I missing something? Will it eventually change? I hope so because this is extremely disappointing.
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Hello @Rucu72

Thanks for joining the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear that your purchase using Pay Later went through as the full amount rather than a partial amount. If you're seeing the full amount as a pending payment on your bank, that could mean it's a temporary authorization rather than a completed purchase. If that's the case, you'll typically see the amount updated once the payment is fully completed through PayPal. (On average, that's around seven days, but some merchants can take longer to collect the money for the transaction.) 

Alternatively, if the payment shows completed rather than an authorization, the Pay Later option may have been denied. You can find information about declined Pay in 4 applications on our Help Center here. For any further questions, feel free to reach out to Customer Support

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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