PayPal Pay in 3 restricted

Hi all, hoping someone can help! I’ve been using PayPal pay in 3 for around 6 months, it’s always been an option and I don’t always use it but find it’s definitely handy for some larger purchases. I’ve never missed a payment until late November and I was travelling. I had limited data and only noticed this around 4-5 days later. I made the payment asap but now I’ve noticed that option is so no longer available for me when purchasing something. Has this one missed payment restricted this option for me? I’ve got a great credit score and I’ll be disappointed if this means I can no longer use this option. Also just to add, I’ve had a PayPal credit for sometime now and never used it, it also never shows up as an option hence why I’ve never used it 😂 but is there a reason it doesn’t show up? I’ve tried to remove it from my account but I live over seas and it says I need to call customer support to get it removed from my account. Any support in either of these queries would be highly appreciated! Thank you
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Esteemed Advisor



You have a UK registered paypal account and customer services for Europe is in Dublin !!

Secondly pay in 3 is a short term 'loan' offered by paypal, so if you miss a payment that option may well be withdrawn.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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