Pay Pal Credit No payments due but selected 24 months

New Community Member
I have bought 2 things in pay pal credit, I selected 24 months, £16.74 for one and £21 for the other, this was 5 days ago but my pay pal credit still states no payment due. It stayed 24 month instalments £0.00. Will this take it out my bank account automatically as that’s how I thought I set it up, or will I need to set up a direct debit, is it just a matter of time for it to show on my account?
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Hello @JadeGal23

Welcome to the PayPal Community! 

I'm sorry to hear your payments aren't showing due for PayPal Credit yet. If you just recently made the purchases, they may not show until the next billing cycle. I recommend reaching out to PayPal Credit here to find out when your first payment will be. 

I hope this helps! 

- Meghan

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